Kotlin Interview Questions

10 Important Kotlin Interview Questions

Are you searching for Kotlin interview questions? Here is a list of 10 frequently asked Kotlin questions to strengthen your preparation.

Kotlin is best suited for developing server-side applications. Kotlin can be used to write and execute expressive code. It also supports deployment over any host that runs on Java applications. The key frameworks associated with Kotlin for server-side development are:

  • Spring.
  • x.
  • HTML.
  • Ktor.

Kotlin is also a nice fit for Android application development. The advantages of using Kotlin for Android platforms are:

  • Compatibility.
  • Performance.
  • Interoperability.
  • Footprint.
  • Compilation time.
  • Learning curve.

Kotlin supports third-party libraries and frameworks. To access third-party frameworks with a strongly-typed API. For example, TypeScript definitions from the Definitely Typed type definitions repository can be converted to Kotlin using the ts2kt tool.

Multiple platforms support the Kotlin programming language:

  • iOS (arm32, arm64, emulator x86_64) MacOS (x86_64).
  • Android (arm32, arm64).
  • Windows (MinGW x86_64).
  • Linux (x86_64, arm32, MIPS, MIPS little-endian).
  • Web assembly (wasm32).

1. What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is an open-source programming language that executes using the Java virtual machine as its platform. It was developed by JetBrains. Kotlin is comparatively simpler than Java and offers several features which Java does not provide. It is a combination of procedural and object-oriented programming.

2. How does Kotlin work?

Kotlin relies on Java virtual machine for execution. Kotlin code is converted in native code; this process of bytecode conversion can also be achieved using other relative virtual machines.

3. Which features of Kotlin are not available in Java?

The following features are available in Kotlin but are not supported by Java:

  • Extension Functions.
  • Operator Overloading.
  • Smart casts.
  • Data classes.
  • Range expressions.
  • Null Safety.
  • Coroutines.
  • Companion Objects.

4. What are some benefits of using Kotlin?

Kotlin common interview questions and answers are incomplete with Kotlin’s benefits. Kotlin is useful due to the following reasons:

  • Kotlin resembles Java in syntax. Hence, it becomes easy to learn the language if you have some experience writing Java code.
  • It is a functional language with built-in reference to Java virtual machine (JVM).
  • Code readability and interpretation are quite high in Kotlin.

5. What extension methods does Kotlin provide in the “java.io.file”?

Kotlin provides the following extension methods:

  • bufferedReader(): Reading the file into a BufferedReader.
  • readBytes(): Reading the file into a ByteArray.
  • readText(): Reading the file into a String.
  • forEachLine(): Used for reading a file line by line.
  • readLines(): Reading the file into a List.

Must Read: Top 10 Most Popular Android Developers Interview Questions

Also Read: 5 Most Important Java Interview Question and Answers

6. What is the difference between const and val in Kotlin?

  • The “const” keyword is used for compile-time initialization.
  • The “val” keyword is used for runtime initialization.

7. What is the difference between primary constructors and secondary constructors?

Primary constructors are affirmed essentially in a class definition. Secondary Constructors are affirmed solely inside the class body. In the first line of the example mentioned below, the constructor keyword (including the variables declared right after it) is the primary constructor. The secondary constructor is the one declared inside the body of the class.

class A constructor(var nme: String, var age: Int)

{ var designation: String = “Not Mentioned”class A constructor(var nme: String, var age: Int){

constructor (nme: String, age: Int, designation: String): this(name,age){

this.designation = designation

Here is Kotlin Official Documentation & Tutorial Website Link

8. Can a code written in Kotlin be migrated to Java?

Yes, Kotlin to Java migration is possible. An inbuilt tool is provided by JetBrains IDE to address this migration.

9. Does Kotlin support primitive data types like Java does?

Kotlin interview questions often revolve around the similarities and differences between Kotlin and Java. No, Kotlin does not support primitive data types, unlike Java.

10. List the key modifiers that are available in Kotlin.

The key modifiers available in Kotlin are:

  • Public.
  • Private.
  • Protected.
  • Interval.

Have you appeared for a Kotlin interview? Do you know about any concept or topic that candidates cannot overlook? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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