what are you most proud of

What Are You Most Proud Of? | Important Interview Questions

The interviewer asks, “what are you most proud of?” This is an excellent opportunity to talk about your most prominent work-related achievements.

This is simply a variation of the question, “What are your achievements?” The trap here is for unprepared candidates who may gush about their family or accomplishments outside of work. 

Must Read: What are your biggest achievements till date- Interview Question

While you may be terribly proud of your children or your relationship or having lost weight or given up smoking, try to use a work-related achievement. Don’t exaggerate your achievements.

Read More: 6 Personal Changes to Be Proud Of

If you were involved in only a small way in a much bigger team, then a skilled interviewer may be able to see through you. Rack your brain and always pick examples where you honestly did make a significant contribution.

How would you answer “most proud of” interview questions? What makes you proud of yourself? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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